Education for Peace and Development (EPAD) is one of GPFA’s key programmatic areas. Since the foundation's founding, the foundation has supported with full scholarship over 1274 Liberian women, youth, and children to break the shackles of illiteracy in Liberia, while minimizing the risk of perpetual poverty
African Youth Education Initiative
GPFA under AYEI runs a fully funded, 360-degree scholarship program for African women, youth and children. AYEI supports a total number of 210 students with funding from the MasterCard Foundation. 106 students are in local universities, 8 are in international universities across Africa, Europe and the United States, while 96 are in high schools in Liberia and Ghana. These numbers include 14 students with special needs including 8 in high school and 6 in university and 104 new students.
Gathering of Scholars is a semi-annual meeting with the sole purpose of bringing together our scholars, their parents, and GPFA staff to retrospect on the past semester. This platform provides the opportunity for GPFA to understand some of the difficulties faced by students, while we celebrate successes and set new goals to navigate the future.
Gathering of Scholars
Our Children’s Fund
OCF is a funding component of GPFA which provides partial financial assistance to students, organizations or individuals who are in need and are motivated to further their education or to achieve a particular goal. Since 2014, GPFA has awarded financial assistance to over 110 organizations and over 1500 individuals.
Book Bag Drive
It’s an annual program intended to help underprivileged students with academic excellence through access to school materials and uniforms. Since 2016, GPFA has awarded book bags, school stationery, and 20 USD each to 1,238 underprivileged students in Ghana and Liberia.
Afterschool Enrichment Program
Is designed to address the challenge of poor performance of students due to lack of out-of-school learning assistance.
Partnership Schools & Institutions
GPFA partners with local educational organizations and institutions with the purpose of working together to promote the greater good of Liberia by providing discretionary grants.